We provide comprehensive, strategic and efficient legal advice to our clients.
We are a law firm specialized in providing services related to administrative law in Mexico.

At RPL Abogados, we see law from a multifactorial perspective.

We are Mexican lawyers with a deep commitment to the values of integrity, professionalism, quality and transparency.
We develop practical legal strategies
We are a specialized law firm  in providing services related to administrative law in Mexico, with a specialized focus on public procurement, ethics, anti-corruption (compliance), administrative and constitutional litigation. We develop practical legal strategies with a true business vision, mitigating the risks of our clients, by providing direct and clear advice.
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“Understanding what customers are doing allows you to predict what they will do in the future.”
Colin Shaw
Public Procurement
  • Advice on public tender procedures, invitation to at least three people and direct awards at the federal, state and municipal levels.
  • Interposition of means of defense against illegal acts committed during the hiring procedure such as disagreements, judgments of nullity and amparo.
  • Support for alternative means of resolving disputes such as conciliation procedures before the Secretariat of the Public Service and Internal Oversight Bodies.
  • Legal support and legal representation before the federal, state and municipal public administration.
  • Advice to entities and agencies of the federal, state and municipal public administration in order to mitigate administrative responsibility.
  • Consulting on the fight against corruption, comprehensive anti-bribery systems.
  • Drafting of anti-corruption policies.
  • Provision of training courses on commitments to combat corruption in transnational corporations and internal controls.
  • Risk analysis, execution of due diligence on third-party intermediaries, commercial, contractual and financial controls, reporting, monitoring, research and review, implementation of corrective actions and continuous improvement.
  • Strategic administrative and constitutional litigation against the fight against corruption.
  • Meeting information requirements from Internal Oversight Bodies, Superior Auditors and State Supreme Audit Institutions.
  • Internal investigations for violations of corporate policies.
  • Generation of corporate compliance programs.
  • Drafting of ad hoc corporate policies and procedures.
  • Support for Compliance Officers and/or compliance teams to design, implement and manage the internal or external reporting system.
  • Training in ethics and compliance.
  • Risk analysis and third-party management.
Privacy and Personal Data Protection
  • Implementation of risk analysis in the area of personal data protection.
  • Advice on the management of sensitive personal data according to the sector.
  • Attention and enforcement of ARCO rights Implementation of security measures against information theft.
  • Challenging fines and other sanctions imposed by administrative authorities.
  • Drafting of personal data protection manuals according to the sector.
Administrative and Constitutional Litigation
  • Filing of nullity and amparo proceedings before the Federal Court of Administrative Justice, the local Administrative Litigation Courts and the Federal Judiciary.
  • Collaboration of a member of the Firm with their organization for a temporary period.
  • The members of the Firm can help them for days, weeks or months.
  • Collaborators can also help them on a per-project basis. Once the project is completed, the member of the Firm ceases to provide services as a temporary lawyer.
Complementary Services
  • The firm also offers complementary services in areas such as corporate, labor, civil, commercial, intellectual property, customs and general tax law. Whenever necessary, we create alliances where we act as a team with other lawyers specialized in each of these branches.

    When any of the matters or transactions in which we participate require the knowledge of a specialist in any branch of law that the Firm does not provide directly, we refer our clients to a list of law firms that we believe can offer effective advice in this regard, and with whom we have worked very successfully in the past.

We believe in a collaborative and proactive approach to better serve our clients

We like to build strong and sustainable business relationships. Click here to get in touch.
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our clients
Our customers say

“Its innovative and unparalleled facilities have made Camp Santa Ursula the best place to spend summer days”

“This complex of impressive facilities promotes contact with nature, sports, companionship and overcoming challenges.”

“This camp represents an excellent opportunity to live outside the routine, just 15 minutes from the city of San Luis Potosí”

“Its innovative and unparalleled facilities have made Camp Santa Ursula the best place to spend summer days”

“This complex of impressive facilities promotes contact with nature, sports, companionship and overcoming challenges.”

“This camp represents an excellent opportunity to live outside the routine, just 15 minutes from the city of San Luis Potosí”

“This complex of impressive facilities promotes contact with nature, sports, companionship and overcoming challenges.”

“Its innovative and unparalleled facilities have made Camp Santa Ursula the best place to spend summer days”

“This camp represents an excellent opportunity to live outside the routine, just 15 minutes from the city of San Luis Potosí”

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¿Qué prever cuando una empresa realiza una investigación interna/compliance por prácticas contrarias a la ley o a su código de ética o de conducta?

En el mundo empresarial actual, la integridad y el cumplimiento de las normativas legales y éticas son fundamentales para el éxito y la sostenibilidad de cualquier organización.

Anticorrupción y compliance: política de integridad y su aplicación real

En un mundo empresarial cada vez más complejo, la importancia del anticorrupción y el compliance no puede ser subestimada.
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By having satisfied customers, we consolidate our work and open the doors to new development opportunities. Thus, we achieve our objectives, which include providing more and better services to those who trust us.
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Porsche Mexico-Toluca Highway 5420 Tower, 25th Floor, La Rosita, El Yaqui, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, 05320, CDMX.
Tel: (55) 8660 5223